27 Dec Being Well Podcast: How to Get the Most Out of 2022

Today on Being Well, Forrest and I reflect on 2021, and explore how to maximize what we get out of 2022. We discuss how to rest in our aspirations, claim identity-based change, reframe personal narratives, and form the habits that lead to a more grounded, meaningful life.
Thank you for listening over the last year; looking forward to much more!
0:00: Introduction
2:20: How was 2021 for you?
5:35: Gratitude for listener support
8:25: Rick’s yearly reflection process
12:45: Collaging practice
18:35: Language, and keeping a positive orientation toward desires and resolutions
26:55: Sentence completion exercise
31:10: Identity-based change
35:25: Rick’s approach to nature-based change
39:30: Reframing personal narratives
43:35: Making room for new parts of yourself in middle age
46:10: Process for forming resolutions outlined.
53:35: Rick and Forrest’s goals for 2022
58:05: Drawing on the support of others
59:30: Recap
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